Saturday, January 22, 2011


I went to Lake Shipp Park on a rainy
I saw several squirrels (Sciuridae)in the trees and on the ground
While these pictures are not true 
silhouette pictures, they are close. 
I discovered that a grey background 
makes it hard to bring out the color details in your photographs. These pictures were made using a Kodak Easy Share CX7430, 4.0 Mega Pixel Camera. The settings were normally, but not always: Land scape, exposure composition 0.0, Picture quality Best, white balance daylight, ISO speed 100, Color Mode Color, Exposure Metering center spot.

Friday, January 21, 2011


I hope that you enjoy these closeups of what I think are American Honey Bees collecting nectar. I took these photos near the Lake Sears Boat Launch ramp on Wednesday, January  19, 2011.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

I was photographing some bees Wednesday, January 19, 2011 and saw several insects like this one. I have absolutely no idea what they are. They are apparently native to the central Florida area in mid January. These pictures were taken at Lake Sears in Winter Haven, Fl. Can you identify them from these pictures?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I realize that this post may creep some folks out, but I was playing with my Kodak Easy Share CX 7430 digital camera and got one or two nice closeup pictures of an ordinary house fly

The Latin name is Musca domestica Linnaeus.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


This is my Squirrel Bait. It is a pine cone from the Lake Shipp park in Winter Haven, Fl.

When you find pine cones from Conifer trees you will probably find Gray SquirrelsFox Squirrels or possibly Red Squirrels.

I believe that the Squirrels you see here are Gray Squirrels.

Squirrels are sometimes jokingly referred to as "Tree Rats", but tree rats are actually rats that are sometimes called Roof Rats

At certain times of the year in Florida you may invite them home for supper

Please do not be as crass as I am and name any of the squirrels here "Stew" or "Stewey".

Monday, January 17, 2011


I spent about three minutes on December 10, 2010 filming these ants at Lake Sears, Fl. 

I do not know much about ants, but I will bet that you can find out more about them at or I suspect that the ants in the movie are Monomorium minimum commonly known as Little Black Ants, but I have not attended school for entomology.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

If you are as busy as a bee

you will probably fly from here to here. 

Can you perform the Daisy Bell song?

Then you see this Pansie.

Before you flock to the Phlox.

Can you identify the plant in the picture below?